During our last session together before the holidays people in the class expressed how they are enjoying the course and that it is challenging them to pay attention to children's learning about and through technology. There is an old adage somewhere that goes something like "if you want to learn about a topic, teach it". This course, more than any other course I have facilitated has made me aware of the teacher's role as co-learner (rather than expert). I have been fascinated with the way we have been using class time to negotiate meaning and co-construct knowledge and processes.
As part of the process I have also been paying more attention to the role of technology in our lives and I have been reminded of just how amazingly competent children are. Here's an example from Zoe (aged 2 years 4 months). A couple of days ago I was using the laptop when Zoe came downstairs holding the webcam. She proceded to plug the camera in and set it up on top of the laptop. She then repositioned it carefully and began to take photos of herself with the camera. "I did it!" she proclaimed proudly while I sat there astonished. I love the way that after 20 years of working in ECE chidlren still have the capacity to surprise me : )
In what ways have children been surprising you with their knowledge and skilful use of technology?